Whiplash Treatment
After A Car Accident
Video On The Effects Of Whiplash And How Injuries Occur
- Complete Examination, Consultation And Diagnosis Of Your Injuries
- Personal Treatment Recommendations For You To Find Relief Quickly
- Choice Of Chiropractic, Massage Therapy, Acupuncture And Physical Therapy
Insurance Will Pay For Your Care
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You have been injured in a car accident
Start treatment now
Whether you experienced pain right after the accident or developed symptoms in the days or weeks following, seek care as soon as possible. While medications may be needed to alleviate your symptoms they will not fully address your injuries – you need to get treatment for your injured spine, muscles and possible nerve and ligament damage.
Your car insurance will cover any care that is medically reasonable
That means you can chose to see any healthcare provider and begin care without the need for a referral. Unless you opted out by signing a form, “Medical Payment” coverage under your car insurance policy will help pay for your care. Colorado law mandates a $5000.00 minimum for each person in your car during the accident.
It doesn’t matter who’s “at-fault” if you have Medical Payment coverage
It will pay for your care regardless of who caused the accident. If you elected to opt out of having Medical Payment coverage on your car insurance policy, the other driver’s car insurance is responsible for paying for your care if you are not “at fault”. If you were “at fault” and did not have Medical Payment coverage, your health insurance will cover you for your care.
The amount of damage on your vehicle is irrelevant
Insurance adjusters may tell you that because you had very little damage to your vehicle, it is not possible for you to be injured. This is a myth. Research on the subject of neck trauma and whiplash has disproven this.
To get you on the path of recovery, you must start the process now
Thinking that “my symptoms will get better over time, I can wait”, is not a smart idea. The longer you delay, the higher the probability that your symptoms will become permanent. First, give us a call and schedule an appointment. We will consult with you and diagnose all your health problems correctly and propose a sensible treatment plan. Second, let our staff take care of your worries and guide you through this process from A to Z so that you can focus on what’s important: taking care of yourself!
“60% of all injured victims in a car accident had spinal joint trauma the most common joints affected were C5-C6 and C2-C3 these facet joints cause neck pain, shoulder pain as well as mid back pain and headaches”
Lord SM, Barnsley L, Wallis BJ, Bogduk N. Chronic cervical zygapophysial joint pain after whiplash: Spine 1996;21(15):1737-1745
Book a doctor's appointment
Wondering if chiropractic care is right for you? We offer a free consultation with Partners In Health LLC.

0 milliseconds
At the moment of impact, the car seat just begins to move and the occupant has not yet been accelerated forward.

At 50 milliseconds
As the car seatback pushes the torso forward, the spine moves forward, resulting in a straightening of the thoracic and cervical spine (upper back and neck).

At 75 milliseconds
At this point in the collision, the car seat is rapidly pushing the occupant’s torso forward, while the head remains stationary due to inertia. This rapid bending in just a few joints in the lower neck can result in ligament damage in the lower cervical spine.

Damage happens between 50-70 milliseconds
This difference in motion between the neck and torso results in an S-shaped curve, where nearly all of the bending in the cervical spine takes place in the lower cervical spine. This deformation of the spine is unnatural and causes shearing of the joints.

At 150 milliseconds
The torso has pulled so far forward on the lower neck that the head is forced backwards over the head restraint. Depending on the severity of the collision, the ligaments in the front portion of the spine can be injured during this phase of the collision.

At 200 milliseconds
Finally, the head and torso are thrown forward by the force of the car seat. The back muscles of the neck and ligaments supporting spine are overstretched and may tear causing additional injury.